At our LOCAL library
Tonight I attended the last of a series at the Mary Wood Weldon Library entitled Going Green at the Library. The session was “Know What is in Your Water” Elaine Diggs Plus: What We Are Doing Locally” Shannon White (4th Going Green series) and it was really outstanding. Ms. Diggs and Mr. White both exhibited broad knowledge and passion about the subjects and a very lively and enjoyable discussion ensued. The bad part was that there were only about five attendees. I know the folks at the library worked hard to attract these speakers and put on useful information about our community and how we can make it better. I know how hard it is to communicate with folks in Glasgow about important information about events like these. I only knew about it because I went to the library site long ago and signed up there for the monthly newsletters which inform me of events at the library. I suggest you do this as well! Once there, use the link on the left of the page to email them and ask to be added to their mail list. Our library is staffed by folks who are dedicated to bringing valuable information and resources to the community. They did a great job of that with the Going Green series and the programs are definitely worth attending as an alternative to sitting on the couch and watching television. We all got a chance to discuss this site and Sustainable Glasgow. I think we have a few more interested folks as a result of that discussion.